Sunday, 22 May 2016

Tear down the wall

It's time to cause a bit of disruption downstairs!

As part of the loft conversion the 1st floor bedrooms are to be reconfigured, with part of 1 bedroom becoming the staircase up into the loft and the remainder of that bedroom being knocked together with the small boxroom to create a large bedroom (7m x 2.5m)

To try keep inconvenience and mess to a minimum i took the wall down by stripping each component off pretty much in the order it was originally constructed.  

The original plasterboard was 25mm thick with a heavy 12mm plaster coat on it.  

By stripping out the dwangs and upright 4" x 2" studs of the partition from one side i was able to leave the other side intact until it was time to break through.

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