Monday 7 October 2013

New Living Room Door

The new living room door getting it's first coat of Ronseal satin varnish.  Prior to varnishing I gave the door a quick rub with fine sandpaper then wiped it down with white spirit to remove the dust and remove any greasy fingerprints or dirty marks.  I've masked off the glazing panels to keep the varnish off of the glass. 

One door hung.  Looks simple in the pics, but it was a lot trickier than it looked.  The oak edging on these doors is only about 5mm thick which really limits how much you can reduce the door by and I required a 12mm reduction.  The only other option, other then renewing the door frames, was to widen the opening.  I used the router for this, but wouldn't want to have to do it again in a hurry. 

A set of Art Deco handles was purchased to match the 'theme' of the room
and they polished up nicely.

and there we have it.  A nice new oak door, complete with 2nd coat of varnish which was applied after a gentle rub with steel wool and a wipe down with white spirit. 

1 comment:

  1. That is one beautiful door! It looks great with your walls. It reminds me of the door at my grandmother's house except the color is a bit darker than hers. Did you have a hard time hanging it up? It usually does take a lot of effort to install a door, but it seems like you did a good job on your own. :)

    Wayne Wright @ KNA Security
