Sunday, 25 October 2015


Now that all the joists are in place it's time for the 1st round of insulation fitting

In the eaves, behind the steel beams, some of the original loft insulation was re-laid in between the joists.  Prior to re-laying I had to fit an eaves ventilation roll.  This is a corrugated plastic roll which ensures that there is a decent gap for airflow into and around the remaining loft space from the external eaves vents.

Sometimes people fit loft insulation and stuff it right into the eaves restricting air circulation and creating good conditions for condensation build up, fungal growth and potentially dry rot.  

I laid a second layer of insulation across the joists on top of the insulation laid between the joists to give at least a 300mm layer of insulation within the area of the loft which will not form part of the new room.  

One of the first jobs to be done way back at the start was to lift the existing insulation and i was surprised to find a layer of loose cork insulation under the original loft flooring.  A quick check on t'internet showed that loose cork had the same insulation qualities as approx 150mm of modern insulation quilt, so i set it aside and then when the time came I just poured it in between the joists of the floor of the new room before laying 100mm of insulation quilt on top. Not only will this provide good thermal insulation it should also improve acoustic insulation between the new room and the rooms below.

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