I was very happy with my work installing the kitchen, however I knew that my tiling abilities weren't fantastic and I was worried that my efforts would look a bit iffy. So, a quick phone call to one of the best tillers in the town and hey presto a fantastic job!
We choose brick style tiles which have tapered edges. We found them on sale in Homebase at a very reasonable £12 per square metre. Thanks to Nicky at NB Tiling for firstly sorting out the walls and then doing such a brilliant job with the tiles.
In fact, Nicky done such a great job with the wall tiles we asked him to do the floor tiles too. Again, we found the tiles we wanted in Homebase at a very reasonable £20 per square metre. The photo doesn't show the tiles to well. They're textured slate style porcelain tiles and are a lot darker than they look in this photo. I laid plywood on the floor to give a sound surface to tile on and this was fixed in place with 25mm annular ring nails in a 4" nailing pattern, in fact I think I ended up with more nails than wood in my floor.
So, not quite Dae It Yersel, mer like made a phone call masel. Anyway, it's still looking fantastic thanks to Nicky.